
Mortar Mixer for thr efficient mixing of cement pastes and mortar,

Two speeds can be selected. Supplied complete with steel bowl and beater,

Bowl capacity is 4,7 litres

Power supply : 220V 1ph 50Hz

Dimensions: 450x600x700 mm

Weight: 60 Kg

Basically similar to mod. E093, but not equipped of automatic program, sand dispenser and safety door.
Two speeds can be selected. Supplied complete with stainless steel bowl, but “without beater” which has to be ordered separately.
This mixer can be supplied only to extra CE markets

Dimensions: 340x460x500 mm
Weight: 40 Kg

میکسر آزمایشگاهی سیمان

با ظرفیت 4.7lit با 2 سرعت مختلف و3سیکل اختلاط متفاوت دارای کاسه فلزی جهت مخلوط نمودن خمیرهای سیمان و ملات،همراه با همزن فلزی

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