
Semi-Automatic Digital Penetrometer

Used to determine the consistency of a bituminous sample under fixed conditions of load, time and temperature. The penetration is expressed in distance of tenths of millimeters vertically penetrated by a standard needle. The unit has a magnetic controller device with electronic digital programmable timer that automatically releases the plunger head and ensures free falling of the needle during the 5-seconds test.
The penetrometer is supplied with stop and release push button, automatic zero set, micrometer adjustment, weight of 50 g. penetration needle, sample cup dia. 55x35 mm.

Power supply: 220 V 1 ph 50/60 Hz
Dimensions: 220x380x490 mm.
Weight: 16 kg

Basically structured as mod. B056-01 KIT but having a magnetic controller device with electronic digital programmable timer that automatically releases the plunger head and ensures free falling of the needle during the 5-seconds test.

Power supply: 230 V 1 ph 50/60 Hz 200 W
Dimensions: 220x280x410 mm
Weight: 15 kg

دستگاه تعیین درجه نفوذ قیرديجيتال اتوماتيك

شامل وسيله تنظيم عمودي ميكرومتري، داراي كنترلر مغناطيسي با تايمر ديجيتال قابل برنامه ريزي ،نمايشگرLCD5 رقمي ، ست صفركننده در هر موقعيت ، ست وزنه هاي 50g و100g ، سوزن نفوذ ، ظرف نمونه با قطر 55× 35mm و70× 45mm، جهت تعيين رواني نمونه های قيري تحت شرايط ثابت بار، زمان ودما

ساخت كمپاني Matest ايتاليا