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جستجوی تجهیزات

Determination of the cold filter plugging point (CFPP) temperature of diesel and domestic heating fuels

PVC structure fitted with: dewar flask with cover, brass jacket Ø48x115 mm outside, test jar Ø31x125 mm flat bottomed and mark at 45 ml level, insulating ring thickness 6mm, to be placed in the bottom of the jacket, two spacers to be placed as around the test jar to provide insulation for the test jar from the sides of the jacket, a supporting ring for suspend the jacket, a pipet with a calibration mark corresponding to a contained volume of 20 mL at a point 149 mm from the bottom of the pipet, a metallic unit filter, a stopper with trhee holes one for thermometer one for pipet and one for vent, two 5 liters bottle with stopper, stopcock and U-manometer.

- Dimensions: 330x500 mm (Øxh)
- Weight: 9 kg